Anthony Wilson - About Me

General Info

I'm an aspiring Australian software developer who has a deep passion for helping the natural environment, and is interesting in anything that involves complex mathematical concepts.
I like to play around with simulations of many types, and I'm always looking for a new, challenging project.
I also have an interest in robotics, with access to a couple of old 'UMI RTX' robots, which I'm working on Python & Java libraries for.

My Setup

I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad L15 as my main machine (AMD Ryzen 4750U, 16GB RAM), which is running Arch Linux (alongside Win10). I try to use Linux for anything I can, and rarely have to use Windows (mostly to use Visual Studio and test compatability of my projects).
I use Alacritty as my terminal emulator, Geany IDE for my text editor and Awesome WM for my window manager - the configuration files for which can be found here.

I also use an old Presario CQ60 for various purposes. Using the software Barrier, I can essentially use it as a second display, and with SSHFS I have no trouble transferring files seamlessly between the machines. Most of the time it just runs an Apache web server, which I am currently using to host 4D Chess multiplayer along with other web-based projects (though I can't have it up 24/7, especially when I'm out of the house or when it's too hot inside)

Project History

I started making various experimental programs in 2018 using Processing (Java with a bunch of built-in graphics libraries), which led to larger and larger projects from there. The two largest projects I tackled using Processing were a 2 Dimensional 2-wheeled vehicle physics simulator, and a complex fractal image-generator.
With what I would now call spaghetti code, I was able to make a reasonably convincing interactive physics simulation of a vehicle with 2 wheels, which I'm now working on porting to JavaScript, and vastly improving in the process.
The complex fractal generator is able to generate high-resolution images of the Mandlebrot set, Julia set, and other complex fractals. I've made quite a few nice desktop wallpapers using this program.
I still occasionally use Processing for a quick experiment or demo, and sometimes generate a new fractal wallpaper for myself or others to use.

After using Processing for around a year on Windows XP, I got access to Linux for the first time (I installed Ubuntu on an old Compaq Presario V4000, alongside WinXP - around mid 2019). This introduced me to Bash scripting, Python, and plain Java (which I wasn't able to use on XP for reasons still unknown)

Around half a year after that (early 2020) I got my hands on the old Presario CQ60, which I quickly installed Arch Linux on (accidentally breaking the preinstalled Windows Vista in the process - hooray for Windows' immovable files).
After installing Windows 7 alongside that (happily replacing Vista) to experiment with Visual Studio, I was able to start developing some much more interesting things.

Starting in July 2020, I began writing my web-based 4 Dimensional Chess game (inspired by 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel - released a week earlier) in Linux. Thankfully, with how light and fast Linux can be, the process was pretty fast. Using Apache hosted on that laptop, and the Geany text editor, I came out with the first playable release in September of 2020.

In October 2020, I finally decided on a new laptop to buy - the Lenovo Thinkpad L15, with a Ryzen 4750U and 16GB of RAM (quite a step up from the then 12-year-old laptop I was using, with a dual-core Pentium processor and 2GB of RAM)
With the new laptop, I am now tackling a large range of things, currently working on 4D Chess, 4D Arimaa, a new physics simulator, the UMI RTX/RT100 libraries and various others.